The Ultimate Life Hack

I like the concept of a quick and creative solution to a problem. Around 2005 the term "life hack" became a popular trend. The American Dialect Society nominated it as one of the most useful words of that year. Lifehacker weblog was born the same year as well.

A life hack is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency in all walks of life.

Since then, the word has been excessively overused. Our brain favors quick rewards; we can't perceive the long-term gains of our actions. Between the two solutions, we prefer to choose the shortest path. Because of the broad popularity of life hacks, people used to think there must be an easier way, a life hack for nearly any life situation. Whether there is a shortcut or not, that thinking may force you to search for life hacks endlessly.

For many meaningful goals, which people usually wish to achieve, there are no shortcuts. Otherwise, everyone would be happy and wealthy. Unfortunately, you got to do some work. Trying to find a life hack is procrastination in disguise. While looking for quick solutions, you're wasting your time and not advancing to your dream.

Here is the ultimate life hack for you:

There are no shortcuts to the most meaningful things in life; stop searching for life hacks and start getting the job done.